Surroundings and tips

Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant Sparrenhorst-Veluwe

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Discover the surroundings of Nunspeet

Whether you're seeking adventure in nature, cultural exploration, or simply relaxation, Nunspeet caters to everyone's desires. With its stunning forests, expansive moorlands, and picturesque villages, Nunspeet offers plenty of opportunities for nature enthusiasts and outdoor activities lovers. Explore the numerous hiking and cycling trails winding through the landscape or pay a visit to the Veluwemeer for a day filled with watersports fun. From the hotel, you can easily explore major cities like Apeldoorn and Amersfoort, as well as many family parks such as Dolfinarium and Walibi Holland.

Nature and culture tips

  • Veluwetransferium De Kijktuinen
  • Veluwemeer
  • National Park De Hoge Veluwe Elberg
  • Harderwijk or Nunspeet
  • Apeldoorn or Amersfoort
  • Zandenplas
  • Het Belvedere Bos

Museum and attraction tips

  • Apenheul Zoo
  • Kids Amusement Park Julianatoren
  • Dolfinarium Harderwijk
  • Walibi Holland
  • Nature Historic Museum Veluws Diorama

Sportive tips

  • Het Rijk van Nunspeet golf lanes



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